While populism in its diversity seems to be progressing on the grounds of state weakening and an unprecedented political and economic crisis, the issue of intermediary bodies is more than ever on the agenda. One of the questions that this project raises, refers to the future role of intermediate bodies that some regimes suspect or denounce relentlessly.
As a starting point, it is to better understand what hese bodies are? and what are their roles in the current crisis? The expression is indeed a little fuzzy just like that of civil society to which intermediate bodies are often associated. It covers organisations of different types, ranging from trade unions and professional federations to associations, independent bodies and political parties.
To answer these questions, a multidisciplinary team composed of several researchers: lawyers, sociologists, political scientists, historians, communication experts, etc was set up in order to propose priority research topics that affect civil society organisations, professional and trade union organisations, independent organisations, political parties and lobby groups. (including networks of influence).
intermediate bodies
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