Observatory of Tunisian populism

Project presentation

Tunisia is experiencing a “populist moment” ! The newly- elected president emerged from outside the partisan sphere and without clear support from the major political forces in the country. Since then, he kept on displaying many elements to provide what a specialist would
not hesitate to qualify as characteristic features of populism; among them: the rigorous, even puritanical, and emotionally- charged discourse constantly conveyed, the symptoms of a real cult of the leader easily detectable in behavior, the regime’s declared anti-elitism, particularly against the economic and political groups, the search for new forms of representation, anti-parliamentarianism and the re- centralization of power, the severe confrontation between the government and the majority of mediation organizations in the Tunisian political system, etc.

Bringing together, synthesizing, coordinating multiple approaches would make a study of “Tunisian populism” much more productive and much more explanatory.To do this, specialists from different disciplinary fields will contribute to a concomitant observation of the populist phenomenon in Tunisia from three main angles: political, sociological and economic.

Project team

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